Developing Professionals


Online Study Resources

  • Designer Hacks ARE 5.0 Practice Exams
  • Plural Sight Kevin Griendling ARE 5.0 Video Tutorials


Career Development
  • Panel Discussions that bring the expertise, wisdom, and experience of successful professionals at various stages of their careers, addressing topics related to practice and growth in the architectural field.
ARE Exam Session
  • Each session a separate ARE exam is selected and the group reviews practice questions addressing topics covered in that exam. Sessions are led by designers who have recently passed and senior professionals.

Financial Resources for ARE

(Limit 20 Members a year for each reimbursement. First come first serve.)
  • $120 Stipend provided for an exam Pass or Fail (Available once per year)
  • $120 Stipend provided for an exam Pass Only (Available once per year)
  • $40 Stipend provided for Online or Physical Study Book for the ARE

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