RCP Workshop

Resume and Portfolio Workshop

Are you looking to sharpen your resume, cover letter, and portfolio?

Join SoCal NOMA and SOM for our annual Resume and Portfolio Workshop on March 13th from 10am – 12pm. This invite is open for volunteers who want to help and NOMAS students across SoCal. Here you can learn the inside knowledge of how to put your best foot forward on paper, in person, and virtually. Please RSVP to join this event for tips, tricks, and advice from practicing professionals from SoCal NOMA, SOM, and more!

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Mar 13 2021


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Mar 13 2021
  • Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


SoCal NOMA (The Southern California chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects)


SoCal NOMA (The Southern California chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects)

SoCalNOMA seeks to advance and support the education and careers of those who have been historically underrepresented in the field of architecture and various allied design/build professions. Members include architects, designers, civil engineers, structural engineers, interior designers, urban planners, and product manufacturers. The SoCalNOMA chapter was founded in 1982 and was originally called the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects (LANOMA). Amongst the Chapter’s historic events and accomplishments were the creation of an exhibit of local chapter African-American architects (hosted by the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Mall), the sponsorship of student chapters at U.S.C., Woodbury, Cal Baptist, and Cal Poly SLO schools of Architecture, hosting of the annual National NOMA Conference and pro-bono professional design services on the redevelopment of Leimert Park Village and other urban community redevelopment aspirations.