Welcome to the Challenge

SoCal NOMA DEI College & University Challenge

The DEI College & University Challenge promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion offering principles and actions that will steer institutions toward creating a more inclusive experience for students of color and underrepresented groups.  The challenge promotes access and equity in architecture education with 16 actions and 185 potential points to affect positive change and create a culture of inclusion.

DEI C+U Challenge Allies

SoCal NOMA’s CALL TO ACTION for the Architecture Education Community

  • Increase diversity in architecture education and build a more inclusive environment.  
  • Creating an environment that supports racial justice, social responsibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Transform the culture, curriculum, and student body in a way that is holistic, school-wide.

Yearly Reporting


  • Conduct an annual diversity survey, of an architectural education institution detailing the current size of the school or department;
      1. Size of the faculty ethnicity, gender, and age
      2. Size of the student body ethnicity, gender, year, and age
  • Report to SoCal NOMA annual diversity statistics of the school/department including all staff, faculty, students, fellows, and leadership.

16 Actions

185 potential points




Recruitment Actions


Institutional Culture Actions


Curriculum Actions


Engagement Actions


Connection Actions

185 potential points


potential points



Promote equity and pursue inclusion for those most underrepresented in architecture by seeking out and recruiting students of color and underrepresented groups.


Provide need-based support and scholarships to students of color and underrepresented groups.


Engage in community outreach programs that promote and introduce architecture to underrepresented groups and students of color.

20 points each, max 60 pts

Institutional Culture


Require diversity education and training for all faculty, staff, and the Board of Trustees starting this upcoming academic year and on a biennial basis.


Engage in inclusive hiring and recruitment practices for all faculty and staff. Giving weight to and support applicants from underrepresented groups with regard to race, ability, socioeconomic class, and gender.


Commit to diversify the points of view within your school or department across juries, public programs, and reviews to represent the broad range of races and ethnicities of people in the world.


Encourage diversity among the voices invited, including non-academics, practitioners, non-architects, and community leaders.

15 points each, max 60 pts



Identify and implement curriculum changes to prioritize an inclusive and anti-racist learning environment.


Diversify the race, ethnicity, nationality, and gender identity of reading lists, precedents, and significant artists and architects shared in the studio environment.


Reshape curricula to reflect and honor the contributions of indigenous and people of color.


Promote and provide incentives for students and faculty research across broad cultures, communities, and geographies to benefit underrepresented communities.

10 points each, max 40 pts



Support Black and underrepresented people of color in their career development within the profession through mentorship.  Connect students to an existing program or establish a new one.


Increase level of engagement between faculty, staff, students and the community.  Create opportunities for developing active partnerships with institutions, schools, and organizations that serve underrepresented communities in your area.


Engage with the student body for feedback and accountability regarding all actions taken toward diversity, equity and inclusion in the architecture education at your institution.


Provide access to tools and school resources that support academic and professional growth for black students and underrepresented people of color.

5 points each



Join NOMA and establish a campus student club NOMAS that supports national and local initiatives. (Yearly membership renewal of club members) 

5 points


DEI College & University Challenge

  • Commit to fighting against racism and racial inequality within the institutions that teach architecture.
  • Commit to efforts to achieve all of the action items
  • Commit to increasing diversity of the profession
  • Commit to creating a more equitable and inclusive educational experience for all!

How It Works

  • Voluntary Reporting on an annual basis
  • Conduct an annual Diversity Survey
  • Pursue points from any of the 16 actions
  • 185 maximum points
  • Institutions must achieve a minimum of 140 points to be a DEI Challenge Ally
  • All DEI Challenge Allies will be recognized
  • Support provided throughout the challenge

Next Steps

  • Forward your pledge SoCal NOMA at deichallengecu@socalnoma.org 
  • Attend an intake meeting with DEI Coordinator
  • SoCal NOMA will provide resources and references
  • Listing of all institutions on SoCal NOMA website
  • Quarterly check-ins 
  • Report metrics to SoCal NOMA on an annual basis
  • DEI Challenge Ally Recognization


We thank you for your action towards increasing the diversity of architecture education and the profession.

We thank you for helping to make it a more equitable and inclusive industry for all of us!

For more information please visit our website (www.socalnoma.org), Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin for the most up to date news.


DEI College & University Challenge

  • Pledge your support to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the education of architecture
  • Pledge your commitment to principles and actions that will steer your institution/program towards a more inclusive and equitable educational experience. 
  • Pledge to promote access and equity by taking responsibility to affect positive change from within by creating a culture of inclusion.




Summer Camp

Summer camper

Boot Camp

Boot Camper

